Friday, 21 March 2025

Wye Challenges 2024/25

Wye Pike: Target 20 - Total: 13 (65%)
Didn't go exactly to plan, there are far fewer pike here than I thought. Hundreds of hours for thirteen pike (including 6 doubles to 19lb 10oz & 19lb 4oz), but each photo represents a fantastic day!
Breakdown: Lure: 6, Livebait: 5, Deadbait: 2

Wye Barbel: Target 200 - Total: 60 (30%)
Couldn't find The Wye barbel in numbers either, but a lot of chub and even a few eels in the mix, it was great to be back wandering about on the river. And I'm still searching for that Wye double - I'll be back!
Best: 9lb 4oz, 9lb 1oz & 5x eights

Saturday, 15 March 2025


James joined me on the Small River for an end of season fish-off. Most barbel wins a pint. And there were no extra points for breaking into the others swim and poaching out a fish - but we did it anyway!

To be honest there was quite a bit of faffing about, clearing swims and a bit of litter picking but when we got going I took an early lead - the first three barbel were mine - including a 6lb 9oz & 7lb 0oz barbel.

But James wasn't going to be beaten on his home-river, especially by someone new who had only been fishing the river for fifteen years! And soon started bagging - including a 7lb 2oz barbel.

Action was hectic - and included four double hook-ups - we were going to get a photo of us both with a barbel, so I left one in the net - James took too long to land his, so I had another while waiting!

And then we forgot to take the photo - but does explain the top photo - none of those fish were kept in the net for more than a couple of minutes. First time either of us has had a three barbel photo.

A cracking afternoon and the final scores on the doors: James: 10x barbel to 7lb 2oz, Brian: 10x barbel to 7lb 0oz. Ten each - which was the perfect way to end up. Can't beat a twenty barbel afternoon!

And as a bonus we found a couple of stag beetle grubs where someone had broken a fence post. We put them out of the way and built them a little log pile - hopefully see them again buzzing along the riverbank.

Friday 14 March (6 hours)
Barbel: 6lb 7oz, 3lb, 7lb 0oz, 5lb, 5½lb, 5lb, 5lb, 6½lb, 3½lb, 6lb (10)

So just 9 short missions on the Small River this season, with 57 barbel added, taking my total up to a nice round 1,700. Need another 7+ though - I'll be back next season...

 Season No 5+ 7+ 10+ Best
 2010/11 27 1 0 0 6lb 6oz
 2011/12 44 14 8 0 9lb 12oz
 2012/13 56 34 20 6 12lb 4oz
 2013/14 8 5 4 0 7lb 13oz
 2014/15 71 33 16 1 10lb 1oz
 2015/16 127 45 15 0 9lb 4oz
 2016/17 70 31 15 2 11lb 15oz
 2017/18 132 56 23 2 10lb 9oz
 2018/19 101 36 13 1 10lb 3oz
 2019/20 164 69 28 5 12lb 1oz
 2020/21 250 77 20 6 14lb 2oz
 2021/22 180 34 8 2 11lb 1oz
 2022/23 228 47 8 1 10lb 9oz
 2023/24 185 59 16 4 10lb 14oz
 2024/25 57 22 5 0 7lb 6oz
 Total: 1,700 563 199 30 Breakdown

Friday, 14 March 2025


Hailstorms and freezing cold weather - but I went anyway!

Thursday 13 March (4 hours)
Barbel: 4lb, 2lb, 2lb, 3½lb, 4lb, 4lb, 5lb (7)
Chub: 3lb, 3lb (2)

Thursday, 13 March 2025

One Hundred?

I haven't had a great season - but I was on 94 barbel so far. And as I was in London anyway I might as well pop down the Small River and see if I could hit 100. Bit of wandering about in the sunshine flicking a cube of meat about - and the six barbel I needed. One hundred!!

Wednesday 12 March (3 hours)
Barbel: 6lb 7oz, 3lb, 2½lb, 4lb, 4lb, 3lb (6)

Monday, 10 March 2025

Walking The Dog

Last weekend on The Wye this season, I just needed 8 pike and 141 barbel to crack this season's challenges. Best get an early start then...

Morning: A wander about chucking the bulldog about - and after a lot of miles, finally a pike hit the lure - rare fish this season!

Afternoon: I abandoned the lure gear and ledgered luncheon meat (I needed a sit down). And a barbel & four nice chub to round it off.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Victory Paint

Just one more Wye pike, one more before the season ends - I'm not going to hit my target of 20, but eleven feels a bit uneven. And as the photo above suggests; a float-ledgered herring deadbait did the trick!

At 16lb 6oz my 6th double of the season - brilliant! And Roger, fishing about a mile upstream, had 3 nice chub including a 5lb 5oz brute (although the photo gives his secret spot away). Top day all round!!

Right, off out again now. Perhaps one more...

Sunday, 23 February 2025


A long time without a blog post - and it has been a real grind on The Wye. Mostly double dipping; one rod with a deadbait, one with a maggot feeder & worm hookbait for perch - no pike or perch, just a couple of chub for my efforts! And it was cold, cold fishing!!

So with a sunny afternoon and a rise in water temperature I thought I'd see if I could find a flood water barbel. Nothing special, just a cube of luncheon meat in likely looking areas. And two barbel (to 8lb 1oz), a chub & a surprise eel reminded me of what catching fish felt like!

James has had far more luck, adding another barbel to his 40 River Double Challenge. Number 28 - and it was a whopper!

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Better Than Jack

Long cold day fishing for perch - blank! Glad I chucked a lure about on the way home - got to love a jack blank-saver. A pike added to the challenge - but the target of 20 might be slipping away...

Monday, 13 January 2025

Snow Melt

Not ideal conditions, fishing in the snow-melt - but at least it wasn't freezing cold! And a herring deadbait lowered into a little slack soon brought a run - convinced I was attached to a twenty - but at 19lb 10oz I'm not complaining! Glad I'm not counting the hours-per-pike though.

Records: 1.3 (falling), 3° (cold/bright), float-ledgered herring.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Double Dip

The pike fishing is slow - did I mention that before? So thought I'd chuck out a cube of meat as well - see if I can get something to pull the line while I'm waiting! Two barbel and 2 chub, and of course no pike!

Better than a blank - far, far better! Think it might be the way forward this season (when not traveling ultra-light with the lure gear). And while I'm on about lures - a Wye sea trout with eyes bigger than her belly!