Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Record London Pike

I remember looking for this photo a few years ago, presuming that all photos eventually end up on the interweb, but couldn't find it.

Having re-read the account of her capture in Blood Knots by Luke Jennings I had another bash at finding the photo - and it was the author himself who had uploaded it.

The pike was caught in 1994, from Thamesmead by René Berg. And bottomed-out a 40lb set of scales, the pike has since been estimated to weigh 42-45lb, and is the largest pike caught in London - that I can find an account of anyway. I'm glad I have finally seen the photo.

More details of the angler and capture are here.


  1. Great fish. According to a pike growth table, a lb45 pike should mesure approx. 1.30 m (i.e. 4 feet and a couple of inches).

    1. The problem with the growth tables is the variation in a fishes weight throughout the year. This one was caught on the 14 March when it was full of spawn.

      Spawn makes up 15-20% of the female pike's weight, so a 40lb pike in March could weigh 32lb after spawning in April and still be the same length.

      I'd love to do a study on pike weight throughout the year, then you could match a growth chart to a time of year chart and get a much more accurate result.

      In fact, I'd love to do a study on pike, imagine getting paid to catch and weigh pike... Dream job!

  2. An interesting story and a tremendous fish. What an accomplishment.

    1. Yeah, I love it when a forty turns up somewhere unexpected and is caught by a regular angler - OK in this case a pop-star - but not someone with a sponsorship deal who follows the fishing circus after know fish...

    2. Incredible story. RenĂ© Berg (1956 – 2003) made appearances with cult band Hanoi Rocks. But no mention of that record pike on his Wikipedia page:

    3. We should add it... Anyone know how Wikipedia works..?

  3. You sign in as a member, then click on "edit" at the top of the page.

  4. There you go Brian, update wikipwdia!
    Awesome fish btw.

  5. Hi! Does anyone know where I can buy a pike? Need one for Christmas dinner. Thanks

  6. I knew rene fished on the serpentine and on Hampstead heath good fisherman and a really nice bloke will be sadly missed

  7. I knew rene fished on the serpentine and on Hampstead heath good fisherman and a really nice bloke will be sadly missed

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
