Thursday, 2 January 2025

Double Dip

The pike fishing is slow - did I mention that before? So thought I'd chuck out a cube of meat as well - see if I can get something to pull the line while I'm waiting! Two barbel and 2 chub, and of course no pike!

Better than a blank - far, far better! Think it might be the way forward this season (when not traveling ultra-light with the lure gear). And while I'm on about lures - a Wye sea trout with eyes bigger than her belly!


  1. Nice traveller Brian. For years, the locals told me that the Wye didn't have a run of sea trout but, maggot feeder during winter produced fish to 3lb.

    1. Have seen them jumping about for months - wasn’t expecting one to hit a lure that big though. I think that’s my first Wye sea trout.

  2. Nice one mate! New Year Wye Barbel, nice one indeed.

  3. If its not too cold for the barbel, it must be too warm for the pike!

    1. Perhaps? Perhaps I just can’t find pike this season!
